Friday, January 30, 2009

random things

First of all, thanks so much for your encouraging comments about Chloe.
I always appreciate your comments!

Second, yesterday the Elder Hug-a-Bug put up posters to announce her season of plays.

Snow White

Beauty and the Beast
Little Red Riding Hood
and Sleeping Beauty
This morning the sunrise was terrific, as usual, and I finally remembered to take along my camera to school.
I think today is the day for the Annie and the Wild Animals sweater. Only one sleeve left.
I should have made the sleeves first, as I realized yesterday.
If I had picked up the sleeve and knit down as I had planned, the lice stitches would have been upside down. Duh.
Good thing I like Kitchener.
I just did my list of 25 random things on facebook and now I am hooked on non-sequitors.
I like ice cream.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


So I said that one resolution for the new year was that I would knit down my stash.
Well, we had a stash swap at work and I left the store with the yarn for two sweaters.I picked out this pattern already for the Yorkshire Tweed Aran.
Do I already have a sweater in this yarn and in this color? Am I wearing it right now? the answer to both of those questions is yes.
Will that stop me? no.

Then, I got a very generous gift certificate to the store for my work in the Yarnery Family Singers.
Along with the lovely Christmas gift from the wonderful Yarnery managers I ended up with the yarn for two more sweaters.I am planning on re-knitting the Tangled Yoke.
I knit it once before, but it was in fact not at all the right size for me.
I gave it to my dear friend Sarah. I hear that she wears it all the time.

Now, the thing about my stash is that it is primarily single balls here or there of worsted wool.
Now I have actual sweater amounts of stuff I am feeling a little better about the stash.

One dilemma still remains.
Should I use my 13 Mile fantastic green organic wool for cables or fair isle?
Some of my single ball stash is left over Rowanspun DK that I used in my Eastlake sweater and odds and ends of more colors of Rowanspun and a couple of colors of 13 mile.
I think I have enough of these odd balls to make a stripey cardigan with these colors, or I could use the new 13 mile for the body color and use the odd balls in a fair isle yoke.

The green looks really grey here but it is much nicer in person.

That stuff may have to marinate, as they say.

I have made some considerable progress on the Annie and the Wild Animals Sweater, I am finishing up the neck and then all I have are sleeves.
Pics tomorrow, I think, the sun has been down for some time.
Have a lovely night.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Well, I have been overruled on the issue of freckles on the doll.
Here she is sans freckles.

If only real freckles were that easy to eradicate...
During the summer my face undergoes a freckle explosion, I mean freckles on the eyelids and earlobes.
In my youth I had fantasies of a freckle-free face, there are some pretty funny episodes in the Anne of Green Gables books about freckle eradication.
It may be time to bust those out again, I love Anne of Green Gables.
And with that tangential leap,
I bid you good night.

Chloe Chomplete

We had a free night at Mamas of the Craft last night, and to make it extra fun we started with some yoga.
The tape we were using was paced a little too fast for me, so I dropped out, sad to say, but I did get a lot done with my Chloe doll.In fact, she is finished.
I had a shoe to sew together and a snap and button to put in and, despite some very yummy wine, I got both of those things accomplished.

Now I look at it, the button is a little purple for the dress, but it is under the hair so you don't really see it.
All that is left for this swap is to make a tiny rocket for a 4 month-old, and I can send it off.
I think I need a bunch more of these girls.
The pattern was easy-peasy and she is so cute!
Next on the list is Kit.
Have a relaxing weekend!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


As some of you know, I am a member of a small choral group.
Our season begins in February and I wanted to share a little about our group and encourage you all to come to one or more of our concerts.

The mission of Caritas Vocal Ensemble (formerly known as Sacred Voice) is giving benefit concerts for organizations which specialize in offering basic human services - clothing, shelter, health care, help for children in need.
Every year we give 4-6 concerts each for the benefit of a different organization.
This year we plan to give concerts to benefit Parish Nursing, Meals on Wheels, Arc Retreat Center and Southern Anoka County Community Assistance.

Our first concert this year will be for the benefit of Caritas itself.
It is on February 22 at Lutheran Church of Christ the Redeemer in Minneapolis.

This is my 3rd year with the group and I have had a great time singing with them.
The repertoire this year is both exciting and varied.
We are singing music from Mexico, Ukraine and Georgia (the country), composers from France, Brazil, Canada, Italy and the US.

I do have to say that singing in other languages is really fun for me.
My husband told me that he is impressed that I can pronounce many languages, even though I don't really speak much more than English.

Anyway, I just wanted to give Caritas a little publicity.
We are really nice people, and if I do say so, we are pretty good at singing together.

See you all there in person or in spirit,


What with the Inauguration and the Lost premier I have had a lot of TV-related knitting time.
However, I neglected to orient the snowflake and hearts properly so that they will be centered when I start the neck decreases on the front.
I realized it here- as I was about to start the neck decreases, and now I have to rip back.
I may have to rip the whole thing, as it is a little large for the Elder Hug-a-Bug, but not particularly long.
This is the last time I take numbers from a pattern without measuring the girl.
Oh well, I started this on Monday, so I can rip knowing that I can probably get the sweater done before the end of cold weather if I put my mind to it...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

knitting update

In the spirit of cataloging all of my knitting this year I bring a knitting update.
I made this hat for the Hubby.
My kids love to read Annie and the Wild Animals and the little girl in that looks just like my Elder Hug-a-Bug.
So, I am making a sweater for her based on Jan Brett's drawings.
I have had this yarn in the stash bucket for at least 2 years.
It has been so long, that I am in negotiations with someone on Ravelry to trade for another ball of the green.
I hope it all works out...

Celebration Breakfast

I am sick.
I am so sick that I woke up at 4:30 this morning and took a shower.
Then I thought, I should probably throw those clothes into the dryer.
Then I thought, I have about 2 hours before anyone's awake, maybe I should make some cinnamon rolls and we could have an Inauguration Day Celebration Breakfast.
So I did.
I found a recipe for Orange and Blueberry rolls, but as the Hub doesn't care for blueberries, and I had none, I omitted them and just made Orange and Cinnamon rolls.
They were tasty.
And, after a lovely nap at about 2, I am ready to start living with hope and virtue.

Enjoy the day,

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Swapping part 2

I have finished the primary work on a doll for the Celebrating Handmade: The Swap.
I am using the Kit, Chloe & Louise pattern from Wee Wonderfuls.Hillary's patterns are really easy to follow and thorough.
I got this little lady (mostly) finished in a day.
Her face is a little wonky, which is pretty good for me, since they're usually really wonky, but I think I will reserve judgement of my own work until I have the hair on.
Now to find the right hair color in my stash.
Have a great Sunday,

Friday, January 16, 2009


I am in a couple of new swaps.
One is a Valentine's Day ornament swap that spun off from the Freshly Blended Cake & Pie Holiday Ornament Swap.
I am making little hanging roses.
The other swap is Celebrating Handmade: The Swap from Bird and Little Bird

This swap is about making and trading handmade toys and gifts.
I think there's still room, go over and check it out!

It's all the way up to 0 degrees today. (For the past few days we have been at about-10 to -20 F)
Heat wave!
If you're in the Twin Cities, go outside.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Sometimes, when cruising the blogs, I come across an idea so fantastic that I must drop everything and make what I see.
Yesterday I saw this memory game and I had one of those moments.
I went through the stash with the Elder Hug-a-Bug and we made some cards.
Mine don't look as nice as the ones from Inchmark Journal, but they are still fun.
The Elder Hug-a-Bug nearly beat me today in a few rousing games of memory.
These were fun also for the way the kids could identify their old clothes or dolls in the scrappy fabric.
They were super fast too.
I think I might start making these for birthday gifts, I don't know how many times I can give someone a Peanut the Wee Elephant.
I hope you find some inspiration somewhere today as well,

Monday, January 12, 2009

my favorite new epithet

"You are a GERM!"
from the three-year-old

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Some silliness

If you've ever been on facebook (blasted time sucker) you will enjoy this

Saturday, January 10, 2009

New party game

Tape the tail on the Crocodile.
The rule 'round these parts is that the birthday boy don't need no blindfold.


Last night the Mamas of the Craft made fruit-infused liquers.
So easy, and, if my friend's already made examples are any indication, super yummy.
The basic recipe is this-
cut up some fruit, or leave it whole, and put into a jar
dump some sugar in
pour in the cheapest vodka you can find, in a glass bottle, to cover the fruit and sugar
leave in your basement for 1-12 months, shaking occasionally
I made plum, lime and pear.
Remind me, and on the first day of summer I'll break these out and see what we have.

Talk to you soon,

Friday, January 9, 2009

Mama to Mama

Go over to Mama to Mama if your faith in human kindness is lagging.
Amanda received over 5,000 hats for babies in Haiti.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Another goal

A longtime goal of mine has been to organize my knitting needles.
My knitting students are always asking me how I organize my needles.
I think they are hoping for some inspiration, but this is how I have organized my needles for the past 6 years or so.
I got a terrific idea from a co-worker to get a binder and some zipper pencil cases and have a case for each size.
When I was a Target this morning, they were out of zipper pencil cases that fit into 3-ring-binders, but while I was moping, I saw this- Super File.
This file folder has 13 large pockets and 7 or so small pockets and this is how I organize my circular needles now-

These smaller pockets hold my double points-
There is even a small accessory area above the small pockets.
I have my stitch gauge, some holders, a pencil and a tape measure in here now.
This probably isn't really that portable, but neither was the giant tangled mess that I used to have.
Please, send me organizey vibes that I may continue keeping my needles labeled and neat.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Lynne posted a list of goals to accomplish by her next birthday a little while ago and number 8 on the list was to learn the first page of Clair de Lune.
I have been thinking about that since I read it, and I have decided to adopt that as a personal goal as well.
I got the sheet music last night, and I am well on my way through the first 9 (pause for dramatic effect) measures.
That Debussy knew his stuff.
I have confidence that by July I will be able to accomplish the entire first page, maybe even the second page, as the scary arpeggios don't start until the bottom of page two.
I have a deadline with a scarf project so I shouldn't even be thinking about this, I am off to the needles...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


He is my little man.
My darling Younger Hug-a-Bug.
Three years ago I welcomed this fella into the world.
Now I watch in awe as he soaks up the world around him and lives joyfully.
Happy Birthday, Bugga-Bugga.


The topic this morning on Shutter Sisters is soft focus.
I was taking some pictures of the icicles yesterday and got these, neither of which is the sharpest photo taken, but I love the twinkles in the ice.

Talk to you soon,

Monday, January 5, 2009

New look

I was feeling like the blog was a little dark.
I hope you all don't mind the repeat header photo.
I didn't have a new wintery photo.
See you soon,


I made a sweater while I was awaiting the younger Hug-a-Bug's birth, three years ago tomorrow.
My little friend was a week overdue, and I had some stash yarn so I threw together a schmata using a Knitting Pure and Simple sweater pattern for the numbers, and I added a hood and a pocket and made it a cardigan.
It served me well for a couple of years, but it was really big.
I mean big.
Too long in the sleeves, too big in the shoulders, floppy, schmata, big.

So, I decided to felt the sweater to see if I would like it better.
I do.
I added a little embroidery to the pocket, and I have a very warm jacket-like garment that will be great for the early spring.
I felted this down about 2 months ago, and I haven't touched it since, but in the spirit of finishing projects I took it out yesterday.
When will I realize that procrastination is not always the way?
The whole of the project took about a half an hour, including replacing a missing button and embroidering the pocket.

I hope I can keep this momentum going, I haven't even begun to assess the fabric stash situation...

I wish you peace and happiness and industrious energy, if that all is compatible,

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Knitting works in progress.

This year I hereby make a resolution, not a big or important one, just this; to make a more consistent record of my knitting projects.

I have this bin that I keep in the basement-and it is, clearly, full of stuff.
I also resolve to finish the stuff in here by the end of the year.
Most of the projects in here I have on hold for the Elder Hug-a-Bug.
Some are begun and some are still in the planning stages.
We have a stash swap coming up at the Yarnery, and I will probably let some of this go for that.
I opened this bin yesterday and found a vest that I have had in progress for easily 6 years.
I pulled it out and finished the knitting last night:The yarn is Silk Garden from Noro, and I loved working with it.
I think I put it away because there was some problem with the way I decreased the front edges, but I decided that I would never finish if I worried about every little thing, so I just finished it up.
I found a perfect button in my disgustingly large button collection and sewed it together this morning.
Overall, I am pleased.
I was very careful to match the stripes on the fronts, before I decided to let go of the little things, and I am glad that I didn't have to think about it this time around.
Here ends completed knitting project #1 for 2009.

Craft space Update

Well, my craft space is in a position to be photographed, finally, and so here is the update:
I have a new rug, a new paint job and three fantastic new bowls.
The Hubster did the painting, awesome, and he picked out the rug.
I put up some shelves today, and now my buttons can all be displayed in their color-coded glory.
Also, Chloe has a new home where she can act as crafting fairy.
I have yet to put up any curtains, so the room gets a lot of light, which I like, but I have to hide to dress myself and taking pictures is somewhat difficult.
Baby steps, I guess, is the name of the game...
Have a terrific weekend,

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

There has been a lot of activity 'round here of late.
We have made the transition from beds in rooms to beds in closets, mostly without a hitch.
My crafting space has moved upstairs, and the kids toys are now installed in its place

I have been baking up a storm.

These little babies are from an Alton Brown recipe with his chocolate glaze, so good.
The recipe makes enough glaze for about 60 dozen doughnuts, but I only made two dozen, so we have about two cups of fudgy sauce left over which should be perfect for sundaes.
There were, of course, many, many cookies.
All of which, apparently, were eaten before they could be documented.

This weekend is the last hurrah before we resume our regular activities.
The Hubster goes back to work and the kids go back to school next week.
I guess I am ready for it, but this break didn't seem quite long enough.
I hope that everybody had a relaxing and productive break, if you were able to have one, and here we go forward into 2009.