There are still five more sweaters to deal with, but I think this is a good place to start.
fifth lamp down
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Making Progress
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Taking Stock
Monday, January 20, 2025
Back in Blogness
It has been a minute!
Since my last post in the fall of 2020 our family has had a pretty crazy few years. Mostly very stressful, often scary, sometimes exciting, sometimes blissfully boring.
The Eldest and The Younger both graduated from High School, and the Youngest is kicking butt in middle school. They're mostly not into having their lives shared online by me, so we'll leave it there.
I have enjoyed Instagram and Facebook over the past decade and a half, but now that MZ has let his true colors fly I'm gonna take a little break.
That got me thinking about what we did on the Internet before the social media took off, and for me and a bunch of my friends it was Flickr and Blogs.
I don't know how long I can resist the siren song of FB, since mostly I check in with friends there, but for now I'm very grateful to have this forum to talk knitting and baking and whatever I want.
This year is my 25th working with House of Hope Choir School. It's been a bit of a whirlwind this year, but I still get to hang out with cutie pie kiddos and play with toys.
Also it goes so nicely with my favorite overalls!
Hope to see you soon, internetland.
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Dyeing and Knitting and Stitching
I have stalled out a little on my spinning.
Two Ewes Fiber Adventures Podcast were holding a Summer Spin-Off, and so I was motivated to get through some of my projects for Shave 'Em to Save 'Em. I have chronicled most of those projects here on the blog. However, Summer is over, up here in Minnesota, and so also is the Spin-Off.
I have a little finished of some very soft, though not particularly organized, CVM which was naturally dyed a soft sage green and also an undyed bit of lovliness.
The knitting has continued unabated.
The Yarniacs Podcast had a KAL for the Colors of Fall as designated by Pantone.
For the #YarniacsCOF2020 you had to choose pieces that fit in the color palates of London or New York for 2020/2021.
I made a bunch of stuff, which you can find on my ravelry page, but the last one was a sweater for The Eldest, and he looks so good in it, I just have to post one photo.
I used the top-down shoulder shaping from Thea Coleman's Greenbriar. Totally genius pattern, and it fits really well! I improvised the rest of the sweater, I made it into a crew-neck, and added pockets and a hood.Now, I do not knit socks.
I have always been more of a sweater knitter than anything else. I also end up knitting a number of Christmas stockings every year, depending upon customer requests.
However, I think I finally see the benefit of a small, portable project that I can work on without paying any attention to it. I have found that it's the perfect knitting to do while I listen to my piano students playing their pieces.
Anyway, I knit two pairs of socks since September 15, and I may knit one or two more pairs before the #fallingleaveskal2020 is over and done with.
I tried some eco-printing this weekend, and I think I'll make a few changes for the next time. I didn't boil it for very long, and I could have let it steep for longer as well.

I hope you're well, all you makers out there.
Please join me in the Fifth Lamp Friends Facebook group!
See you around.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Shave 'Em 2 Save 'Em, Chapter 4: Gulf Coast Native

I ended up with plenty of extra yarn, so I whipped up some coordinating mitts.
New Niddy Noddy

I pulled three rungs out of the legs and got to work.
First I gave everything a quick clean with a steel bristle brush, then a cursury sanding.
I have a mini vise table, which came in super handy.
The construction of a niddy noddy is very simple. two perpendicular ends and a central piece.
This was the original mock up, and it wasn't super easy to remove the hank of yarn. I decided that the ends were too long,
Back to the woodshop area, and I trimmed off the end inch or so on each rung, and sanded it down.