Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Long ago I warned that I would bore you all with pictures of my bathroom remodel, and the day has come.

These first two are from the day we went through with the inspector. You can just barely see the Elder Hug-a-Bug in the blue sling.
She is 10 days old.
We decided to buy this house after my water had broken, but before we went in to the hospital.
Yes. We were a little crazy.
The floor was this lovely (not really) green linoleum tile that was peeling up, but we didn't need to worry about that happening around the toilet, as there was no floor covering there at all.Now there are easily cleanable tiles on the floor. We also got a new vanity. The old one had out-lived its usefulness.

We decided to ditch the gold veined wall board, and went with tile around the tub (where none had existed before) and a soft green for the walls instead of the garish yellow from before.
We have been here for nearly 6 years, and even though it might mean that we eat spaghetti 3 out of 7 nights, and never go out to eat again, we have a functioning shower and a beautiful bathroom and I am over the moon.

Here ends my bathroom worship, thanks for humoring me.

As a clarification, I did no work.
I hired a lovely man to come in and do everything.


  1. It is wonderful, Jessica !
    I am so pleased that you did this for yourselves . So long "El Gigante ".

  2. OOOOH! AHHHHHH!! It's so pretty! I love it!!

  3. Beautiful! Come redo our old bathroom!

  4. I bow down to your bathroom! It's so awesome! Is it really truly done? Like, no more people working in your house?

  5. That's really awesome! Congrats on finally getting it done - it must be a great feeling! (That doesn't quite sound like I mean it to sound - I know what an awful process a remodel can be.)

  6. I'm loving your bathroom, the green is gorgeous. And i'm deffinately a fan of hiring lovely men!!
    X X

  7. that was not boring! i love before and afters... i can't believe you lived with it like it was for as long as you did... you are saintly!

  8. Jess-

    It is absolutely fabulous


  9. It looks phenomenal!!!!! We've been living with plastic tiles popping off our bathroom walls for 10 years now so I know how you felt. Wish I had known it was done when I stopped by I would have insisted on a showing.
