Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Keep Calm and Craft On

It's been a while since I joined in with Nicole for KCCO.
We've had a rough couple of weeks, illness-wise. It's been almost all vomit-related, with a lot of snotty-face-baby thrown in.
As a result, I haven't had that much inclination or time to do much crafty stuff outside of work.
During the 3-4 day lull last week when no one was puking in my face (that did happen) I did get in a little knitting.
I have started that striped green sweater in Jan of 2012, while on a trip with The Singers. I finished the fronts and back, but lost steam when it came to the sleeves.
I recently was reminded of that lovely yarn and pulled out the sweater to knit up some sleeves.
I am doing top-down set in, pick-up-as-I-go sleeves.
It makes for less seaming work, but also I have to lug the whole sweater around with me as I knit the sleeves.
I don't know if the one benefit is work the draw-back.

The red sweater has been on the needles since Jan of 2010 by my ravelry posting.
I have been undecided about how to finish up the yoke for some time, but I think I have finally found the right collection of colors and patterns.
Who knows, I may change my mind again, but if I do, I think I'll have to hand this yarn along to someone else.

What's on your work table today?

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