Saturday, February 27, 2016

A Trip to the Zoo and Some Silly Fun

I brought my kids and my new camera to the zoo yesterday, and I think I got a handle on how to work the camera.

The kids, however, will do as they please most of the time. Though they will stand, reluctantly, for the obligatory What's your Wingspan photo

In non-zoo-related news, I finished up my music blocks yesterday and they have brought me no end of joy. 
Look how easy it is to show an inverted chord!
Or a (giggle) blocked chord!
Also, you can flip over the blocks that are accidentals in the key and have an easy reminder when you're playing a piece!
I'm sure the fun will wear off eventually, but I am pretty jazzed about this new teaching tool.

Friday, February 26, 2016

I Blame the Internet

It's a day off from school, and what better opportunity could there be for whipping up a couple of projects from the internet. 
Over the past few days I found a couple of fun wood-working projects that even a near-novice woodworker like myself could tackle. 
First there was this super fun Yard Yahtzee set and then I saw an add for these amazing blocks for music teachers
Last night I went to the local big box hardware store and spent $12.53 on the wood needed for both projects. 
I fired up my trusty miter saw and sander and pretty soon I had enough cubes for all of my wood block needs.

After some math and exact-o work we had some templates and now just a little painting remains between us and a couple of fun games.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

A Hat Fit for a Princess

Today was a relaxing kind of day, with not much on the agenda (save ignoring the laundry) but fun projects. 
I made some headway on a secret project for a loved one, and also remade (again) this princess hat.
The drape was from a previous incarnation of one of The Elder's favorite dress-up items. 
However, it was much too long for the new recipient, so I cut it down and now it's just right.

The Youngest has a friend coming over tomorrow, and I am sure that there will be some dressing up involved. I may whip up a second one for her so they can be matching princesses.
The photo gods were not with me today, perhaps I'll be able to find my mojo tomorrow.
She seems to like it, though, so that's all that matters.

Monday, February 8, 2016

The Purple Dust of Twilight-time

I was pretty sick last week,
resulting in a lot of missed work.
However, the one upside of not wanting to move from the couch was that I got a good start on a shawl while I watched an Indiana Jones Marathon.
The Youngest was unimpressed with my energy level, and since I'm back on my feet today, we're headed out to find some preschooler fun.
The gym doesn't open for a while yet, so we're just hanging around doing a little coloring, and listening to 'Stardust'.
Hope you are all having a lovely, relaxing morning too.