Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Pity Party ends today.


I have been wallowing.


The weather is turning around here in Saint Paul.

I really like February. This is Winter's last stand and the battle with Spring is raging.

Monday morning we had lovely dense fog and the temp was in the higher 20s.

The hug-a-bugs and myself went out for a lovely walk.

The fog was thick enough that we couldn't see across the Mississippi.

This is the storied Fifth Lamp. As you can see, visibility is at about 20 feet.

What greater harbinger of Spring can we have than fog? Maybe birdsong.

It doesn't register with me that we haven't heard birdsong for a while until I hear it again. Beautiful.
This morning it is pretty cold, but I can see an afternoon walk in our future! I think I'll look for the binoculars and we can have a Bird search.

On another note, I have finished the second installment of the Love From Wooly project-
A hat for Bobby the Bat.

Wishing a glimpse of Spring to you all,


  1. OK the Love from Wooly project is TOO cute! I love it!
    All your pictures are making me long for snow. I won't tempt you to smack me by telling you what temperature it is here in Phoenix.
    How did your concert go?

  2. love your photos of the fog!!! and your little hat is precious. how wonderful to work on a project based on the book. just wonderful!

    thanks for stopping by my blog and for your comment!
