Friday, August 10, 2012

Granny Square Sampler Afghan-a-Long

At the beginning of the Summer Blair of Wise Craft started a Granny Square Afghan-a-Long, and I had grand plans to join in each week and square-a-long with her. The summer got away from me, in a good way,
so instead I started two days ago, and now we're cookin'.

Week 1 - 

Week 2 - 

Week 3 - 

Week 4 - 

Week 5 - 

This evening I hope to finish up the Week 5 squares (the second photo should have 3 squares in it) and maybe even get a start on Week 6.
The best part of this is that I had 9 colors of cotton and cotton blend yarn in my stash and only had to supplement with the lighter gray and the two rusty colors to get to the required number of colors.
The hardest part (for me) is that there hasn't been any info as far as I can see about the finished product.
What it will look like and how all of these different sized squares will fit together in the end is a mystery.
I learned to crochet when I was 11, my grandma taught me, and I was an avid crocheter until I learned to knit in my 20s. It's been some time since I was ensconced in a crochet project, and it feels pretty nice.


  1. pretty granny squares :)
    I learned how to crochet in 4th & 5th grade summer school (haven't done much since)... I need to work on my crochet skills {sigh}

  2. looking good jess! i was so tempted to join in on this project, but my crochet skills are still somewhat "iffy"...i think blair based the project on a vintage pattern she found in a magazine and if you click on her site, on the side bar of the finished piece (don't know if you wanted it to be a surprise though).

    thanks for the baby photo update. she is SO big already!! and cute as pie. xx
