This house is our first house.
We bought it in kind of a hurry.
I was 8 30/31 months pregnant and a friend called and told us about an inexpensive house in her neighborhood.
We looked at it, decided to buy it, next morning my water broke, no labor, my friend brought over the papers, we signed and went to the hospital to greet the Elder Hug-a-Bug.
Since we have never been in this house without tiny and small children, we have been either too tired, or didn't want the mess of fixing the many things that made this house so inexpensive.
I did try to give the sewing room an overhaul last fall.
I bought a new storage buffet and cleaned up, swept under the radiator and everything.
However the gaping holes in the ceiling, and the plaster patches all over the wall detracted from the overall effect.
While I was moving everything out of the crafty area and the upstairs "attic" ie closet off my bedroom, I found a disturbing number of projects that have been in storage for 1-5 years.
I was able to gather up 5 tall garbage bags of unfinished projects, never begun projects and fabric that had come from other people decreasing their stashes, along with buttons and knitting books for baby projects that the kids are too big for now.
I donated all of that to the mission sewing/knitting group at the church where I grew up and work. I hope there is something that they can use.
This project has consumed my waking thoughts.
I have to fix the holes, pick a new color for the walls, re-organize my space.
I am thinking about splitting the space in two and having a crafty area for the kids in here too.
We shall see what happens with that...
Have a great Wednesday!
I like your storage buffet and I can't wait to see the results of your labors!