My name is Jess, and I am a procrastinator.
Anyone who knows me will confirm this.
It's not done maliciously, I just don't always think to start stuff in a relaxing amount of time.
Anyway, here it is the night before the first day of First Grade and I realize that the Elder Hug-a-Bug has no lunch box.
bag from last year was really grubby, (really, grossly, grubby) after a year of use, and I either threw it out, or just stashed it in the basement for deep cleaning.
At any rate, it's not at hand.
So I thought to myself, I'll just whip her up a new one. Or at the very least some cloth bags to keep her sandwich and carrots or peapods in.
She helped pick out the fabric and I gave her the choice between the same pattern as last time and a new one - the camera bag from Sew Liberated.
She chose the camera bag, and away we went.
I let her use the iron for the first time, and she was thrilled with the new responsibility. She also went through a box of buttons and found a couple that she wanted to use for embellishment.
I made a few changes, mostly in the name of making the bag more insulated for the food, but mainly stuck to the directions in the book.
Meg McElwee has designed another great project! I did break 3 needles in my machine, but that was due to my modifications, so I don't blame the project at all.

One major change from last year's model is that I used dark blue fabric, so if it sits on the dirty, dirty ground, I won't notice it as much.
Good night, I have a big breakfast to make in the morning, not to mention a lunch to pack.