I had one of those today.
I woke up to a lovely breakfast with the Hubby and the Hug-a-Bugs.
Next, I finished the Mothers Day present that I made for my Mom, a felted Cardinal from the Wooly Birds Pattern by Marie Mayhew.
Then, the Elder Hug-a-Bug and I spent second breakfast with my Mom and Dad and Sister for a little Barden Mothers Day Fun. Then only thing missing was my little bro, he had his own family plans today.
When we came home, the Elder Hug-a-Bug and I weeded the garden and planted some plants that have been in their pots outside in the rain for the last few days.
After the gardening, during which the Elder Hug-a-Bug planted her first snap dragon plant without any help!,
we went to the park and she played the girl who is being chased by stuff and the other girls at the park obliged her by being lions or wolves or whatever they thought might chase someone.
Still not done with the Mothers Day Festivities, I had a concert to sing this afternoon.
That's me on the right.
The Hubby did his best with the Hug-a-Bugs, but the Younger one just wanted to come up and say hi.
They made it through about 2 songs, and then they went home.
My Mom and Dad and Sister were able to keep from being too rowdy and they decided to stay to the end.
Tonight was our last concert of the season and I kept getting a little choked up in places.
One of our songs is Set Me as a Seal by Rene Clausen.
My Soprano buddy told us that Clausen wrote the piece for his wife after she had miscarried a pregnancy and it always gets me when we sing "For Love is strong as Death"
After the concert I came home and had a nice dinner with the fam, and we went on a walk to the DQ for dessert.
I always feel like it cancels out any poor eating that we may do at the Dairy Queen if we walk the 5 blocks there and then the 5 blocks back.
I can't think of a nicer way to spend my Mothers Day than doing all of the things that I love with the people that I love the most in this big ol' world.
I hope that next year can be as nice.
Happy Mothers Day Mom!
Happy Mother's Day!