That is the sound of hand slapping forehead.
I grew up in the Twin Cities, and when I was 12 a fantastic Sculpture Garden was dedicated in Minneapolis.
I don't know where the cherry went, does anyone out there?
Anyway, I have been to the sculpture garden under 5 times in my life.
This is dumb.
I took the Hug-a-Bugs there today and we had a barrel of fun.
Even with the chilly weather, they had a super time.
I like this one, it looks like a ball of yarn.
The kids loved discovering what was in each new hedge room.
I had a lot of fun with the structure in this hedge room, it was a collection of walls some of which were made up of screen-like material and others of reflective glass.
And there is on-the-street, 1 hour parking for free!
To continue our art theme, last Friday we made jigsaw puzzles.
I drew a picture of a castle surrounded by a moat and then I cut into about 16 pieces,
She cut it out herself, and there are a lot of pieces.
She did a fantastic job, no?
Hope you are having a good Monday,
please send dry thoughts to our friends in northwestern Minnesota and northeaster North Dakota.