Monday, January 30, 2012

In Which Jess Shares a Bunch of Links and Makes Grand Predictions About Her Activities for the Next 10 Weeks.

Last Wednesday I got to spend some quality time with my Mom, which was awesome, at the Urgent Care/ER, which was not.
I have a pregnant cold. This seems to be like a Man Cold, in that I was completely incapacitated by a stuffy head. Low-ish blood pressure, combined with what was probably mild dehydration, and low hemoglobin made for a weak, fuzzy-headed and sleepy Jess.
Anyhoo, the Hubby has demanded that I take it easy with my volunteer commitments and so I shall.
This has opened up many of my days and so it can't hurt to start a few baby-prep projects in the meantime.
On Saturday I finished up teaching a class at the Yarnery and one of my students gave me a thank-you gift certificate so I could make something for the baby. (Sweetest thing ever, that)
Since I was working at the store again yesterday, I picked out some yarn and a pattern and I started knitting these adorable booties.
I also got yarn for the matching sweater and hat, and they're all 6 month size, so I have a little time before they'll be worn.

Also on the docket is a rag rug.
As I was perusing the blogs yesterday I came across this Rug-A-Long at Ric Rac, and it reminded me that I have been meaning to make something like this
So, with that in mind I set out for the thrift store and picked up this pile of loveliness.

The energy necessary for cutting and braiding strips of fabric should not be overly taxing to this 30 weeks pregnant lady, and I am excited to see how it all comes out in the end.
I think a rainbow rag rug will be nice to haul along to the beach this summer.
What's on your list of things to do?


  1. you know jess, i've been watching at ric-rac also and have long had the idea of making a rag rug from t-shirts too. as a matter of fact a rainbow one :) so maybe i'll join you (chances are though, that you'll finish and i won't)xx
